Fingerless mitts Lady in Black

How to get a perfect 1×1 Ribbed Cast-On

ChristelleResources Leave a Comment


This 1x1 Ribbed Cast-On will work well with most bottom-up sweaters that use either a 1x1 or 2x2 ribs, gloves or socks starting from the cuff.

This Cast-On provides a beautiful and stretchy cast on. Keep in mind to cast on with a regular and relaxed tension to avoid an irregular and stiff cast-on.

How to get a perfect 1x1 Ribbed Cast-On

1x1 Ribbed Cast-On Written Instructions

Let's start with step 1: Make a slip knot and put it on the right needle. Using your left hand, place your fingers between two strands of yarn (thread from the skein on your index, the other is on your thumb) to create a triangle. Counts as the first knit stitch.

Secondly, step 2: Insert the needle from back to front between the 2 threads on the index finger.

Thridly, step 3: Insert the needle under the thread on your thumb. From bottom to top.

Finally, step 4: Then, insert needle into the loop on the index finger. Pull the thread to create a stitch.

Steps 2 to 4 create a purl st.

Then, step 5: Insert the needle from bottom to top between the 2 threads on the thumb.

Next, step 6: Insert the needle under the thread on your index finger. From back to front.

And finally, step 7: Then, insert the needle into the loop on the thumb. Pull the thread to create a stitch.

Steps 5 to 7 create a knit st.

Repeat steps 2 to 7 until you have the desired number of sts. You finish with a step 4 (a purl st).

Pattern using the 1x1 Ribbed Cast-On

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