How to knit bobbles

How to do Bobbles

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How to Do Bobbles

Bobbles are a decorative element that embellishes your knitting projects like a shawl, mittens or a sweater.

How to Do BoBbles?

Magic Ring Cast-On Written Instructions

First of all, take a hook of the same size or slightly smaller than the diameter of the needles you are using for your project.

Step 1: Insert your hook into the first stitch on the left needle.

Step 2: Crochet the stitch but do not place it on the right needle.

Step 3: Make a yarn over on the hook, make a stitch insterting your hook in the loop underneath, repeat these two steps 7 times in total, you get 15 stitches on your hook.

Step 4: Pull the thread through these stitches.

Step 5: Make a chain stitch

Step 6: Replace the resulting stitch on the left needle and transfer it to the right needle as it comes.

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