Magic Ring Cast-On

How to do the Magic Ring Cast-On

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Magic Ring Cast-On

The Magic Rind Cast-On is a cast-on in round that requires a crochet hook and a pair of needles.

You can use it to CO stitches for a hat starting from thecrown, for a Pi Shawl or for any pattern starting from the center.

How to Do Magic Ring Cast-On?

Magic Ring Cast-On Written Instructions

First of all: Make two turns around your finger with your thread to start the cast-on. You should have a cross on your finger.

Etape 1 Magic Ring
Etape 1 bis

Step 1: Insert your hook under the front loop and fetch the back thread.

Secondly, step 2: Pull the thread under the first loop to form a stitch  and remove your index finger.

Thirdly, step 3: Make a chain stitch into the first stitch.

Then, Insert your hook back into the huge loop and pull the thread through to create a stitch.

Steps 1 to 4 create a knit st.

Repeat step 4 until you have the desired number of sts.

Then transfer your stitches to a circular needle or double-pointed needles.

Knit in round.

Pull the tail to close the gap.

Etape 2
Etape 3


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