
Turkish Cast-On: how to easily cast on socks from toes

ChristelleResources Leave a Comment


If you hate seaming and other finishing steps, you're going to love the Turkish cast-on

You can use this method any time you don't want to seam or any time you want to cast on socks from the toes.

I'ts also a perfect an alternative provisional cast-on for shoulders, neckline etc.

You're going to get a quite similar result than Judy's magic cast-on.

How to use the Turkish Cast-On

Turkish Cast-On Written instructions

Let's start, hold needles parallel.

Firstly, make a slipknot and put it on the bottom needle.

Secondly, grab the yarn and begin wrapping the working yarn around both needles from back to front (ex: if you need 24 stitches you need to wrap the yarn 12 times around your needles, slipknot doesn't count)

Thirdly, hold the wraps firmly between your fingers and pull bottom needle until stitches rest on the cable.

Then, with the working yarn in back, knit stitches from top needle through the back loop. Be sure to knit your stitches tight enough.

Next, turn your work. Slide unworked stitches on your left needle and knit them through the back loop.

Then, drop the slipknot and place a marker.

And finally, work as established.

Pattern using this method


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